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How Wax Is Reviewed

All of my reviews will consist of several parts. Here is the layout

Vendor: Name of the Vendor
Review Author: As I plan to have different contributors, the author of each review will be listed under the vendor name.
Order Date:
Order Received:

Pre-Review/Post Order:

   This will include anything I know about the company that I may find useful for a consumer to know.
This includes:

  • Products
  • Where to Order
  • Availability: Is it difficult to order? Do you have to be waitlisted?
  • Turn Around Time (TAT): The time it takes to produce your order, and essentially get it to you. I will indicate if this is a set TAT, or if it changes depending on the workload of the vendor.
  • Price: This will be done using $ scale,  
    -        $ Extremely Inexpensive
    -        $$ = A Good Deal
    -        $$$ = Fair for the amount of wax being sold.
    -        $$$$ = Above Average on some items, more reasonable on others.
    -        $$$$$ = Expensive

  • Cure Time: Sometimes vendors still recommend letting your order cure once you receive the order to allow the wax to reach the maximum scent potential of the wax. Other times, the wax is already completely cured once you have gotten it. Other times the order is said to be completely cured, but a few more cure time would do the scent good! This will let you know where the wax being reviewed stands, and the overall cure time recommended.
  • Warmer Recommended: If applicable.
  • My Order: Essentially what I will be reviewing.
  • Extra Love Received: Any extras that came with the order!
  • Picture of Order/Products
  • Wax Look: Description of how the wax looks.
  • Cold Smell: This will be a description of the cold smell for each item ordered. It will also include if it is nonexistent, pleasant, or unpleasant.

Wax Melting Review: 

This includes: 

  • Detailed Description of Each Smell
  • Comparison to Cold Smell
  • Scent Throw: Rated on a scale of 1 -5, the number corresponds with the number of rooms the scent travels.
Sum Up:

This includes: 

  • Overall Impression
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Overall Liked Scents
  • Overall Disliked Scents
  • If it ends up in a destash, why?
  • How the wax could be improved?/Was it missing something?
  • Was it worth the money?
  •  Would I purchase from this vendor again?
Follow up/Future Order Reviews will be done slightly differently. They will be done on the same page as the original review, but the title will include the date of the latest review. This way readers can get a good idea of consistency from a vendor and read about different scents. There layout is as follows....

Review Author:
Order Placed:
Order Received:

Pre-Review/Post Order:
  • My Order: Essentially what I will be reviewing.
  • Extra Love Received: If any extra love is included, I will list it here:
  • Picture of Order/Products
  • Wax Look: Description of how the wax looks.
  • Cold Smell: This will be a description of the cold smell for each item ordered. It will also include if it is nonexistent, pleasant, or unpleasant.
Wax Melting Review: 

This includes: 

  • Detailed Description of Each Smell

  • Comparison to Cold Smell

  • Scent Throw: Rated on a scale of 1 -5, the number corresponds with the number of rooms the scent travels.
Sum Up:
This includes: 

  • Overall Impression

  • Pros

  • Cons

  • Overall Liked Scents

  • Overall Disliked Scents

  • If it ends up in a destash, why?

  • How the wax could be improved?/Was it missing something?

  • Anything Else?: Anything else I may want to include about my experience with the vendor. Things I have learned from the experience.


1 comment:

  1. The Barn Candle Company would love to share our Barn Bricks with you! Please let me know how we can get them to you, for your review.
