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The Do’s & Don’ts’s of the Wax World

Please comment below any other Do’s, Don’ts’s to be added to the document.

  • Be kind.- Kindness pays off. It is called karma.
  • Be patient.-Some of the best vendors can be hard to order from or have a long TAT. If the wax is worth it, it will be worth the wait. 

  • Do Not Beg/Ask for Free Wax- This is annoying.-  Doing this will often result in no free wax, so why bother.

  • Don’t Scam/Attempt to Scam - The wax community is full of loving giving people. They are also a fairly small community and people talk. You will be found out.- You not only risk losing the ability to purchase within the wax community by being banned, but you risk having criminal charges pressed against you. You can also further be shamed and end up the basis for a news story. (I have heard/seen this happen).

  • Never overcharge for a destash. - You probably won’t sell it that easily if you do.

  • Never judge a wax by cold smell. - Some wax does smell different in your warmer.

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