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Froggy Farts Candles & Tarts Review (Review Completed 7/12/14)

Vendor: Froggy Farts Candles and Tarts

Original Review
Review Author: Lindsay Sara
Order Placed: June 15, 2014
Order Received: June 18, 2014

Pre-Review/Post Order:
         Owned and operated by Billie Flick. When asked why she makes candles her response was this, “I started making candles because it is something I love. They say you should always do what you love!  I have done crafts all my life, and they pretty much tie in together!”  Because she is a new vendor, I asked what her plans were for the future of the company and her response was, “I am currently working on a web-store, and will see how that goes in the future. I do work full time.”

  • Products:
    • Soy Candles
    • Soy Tarts

  • Where to Order:

  • Availability: RTS items that are posted in flash sales on the Facebook page. I personally, was easily able to order.
  • Turn Around Time (TAT): TAT right now is immediate, unless it is the weekend. Everything the vendor is currently doing is RTS.

  • Price: $$$
  • Cure Time: “Usually one week, but two is always better!” As per the vendor.

  • Warmer Recommended: 24 watt warmer.

  • My Order:
    • Bite Me Heart Tart
    • Lemon Vanilla Flower Tart
    • Booberry 3 Pack of Frog Tarts 
  • Extra Love Received: She actually messaged me to tell me that she forgot my extra love and that she would make it up to me. I informed her that it was honestly no big deal.  Honestly, I love it when a vendor communicates. The fact she cared enough to  contact me, about free samples that as a customer I(nor anyone else) should ever feel entitled too, says beautiful things about this vendor.
  • Picture of Order/Products

  • Wax Look: My package was delivered to my house at around 3:30 PM on a day where it was 90+ degrees out. The mail trucks are not air conditioned. I am shocked at how little melting there was, even though there was a little bit of melting obviously. Overall, the tarts arrived in amazing condition all things considered. I was extremely concerned the tarts would arrive as soup/premelted.

Wax Melting Review: 

  • Detailed Description of Each Smell
    • Bite Me Heart Tart 
      • Strong cherry mixed with other fruity notes. The orange is noticeable as one of those notes. I feel as if there is a fizzy note to this smell as well.
    • Lemon Vanilla Flower Tart
      • You can smell a hint of lemon, but that perfume aspect comes out a lot when melting. I don’t smell any vanilla. It smelled almost like a tart perfume. Not exactly what I had hoped for when I imagined the scent. I generally love lemon scents and vanilla scents. I thought for sure this tart would be a win. This scent would be better for floral and perfume fans, as opposed to those who are fans of food and fruit scents.
    • Booberry Frog Tarts
      • I normally don’t like berry scents (they are generally too tart for me). This was not this case with this scent. This scent wasn’t too tart, and beautifully combined several berries. I could definitely detect notes of blueberry and raspberry. Overall it was a pleasant scent. I wish it was slightly stronger and had a further throw.
Doesn't this little Booberry Frog Tart look adorable while melting?! A little froggy swimming in a pond...of wax!

  • Comparison to Cold Smell
    • Bite Me Heart Tart
-     Very similar to cold smell.

    • Lemon Vanilla Flower Tart
-     Very similar to cold smell.

    • Booberry Frog Tarts
-     The cold smell is more tart than the melting smell.

  • Scent Throw:
    • Bite Me Heart Tart
-    A strong 3! This scent for sure traveled to at least 3 adjacent rooms. At times…I swore I could smell this on other floors. I couldn’t consistently smell it on other floors though. At the very least…the smell stuck in my nose on other floors! This definitely has a good throw.

    • Lemon Vanilla Flower Tart
-    A strong 2.

    • Booberry Frog Tart 
-   A strong 1.

Sum Up:
  • Overall Impression
    • New vendor with great potential.
    • You can tell when a vendor tests their wax prior to selling; this vendor obviously did her research before opening shop.

  • Pros
    • Wax seemed to throw just as strong in a 20 watt warmer as it did in a 24 watt warmer.
    • Decent throw.
    • One of the easiest wax cleanups I’ve ever had. The wax was easily removed from the warmer.

  • Cons
    • Wax only lasted the average 3 hours in a 24 watt warmer.
    • Very soft wax means that it will melt easily in high heat weather.

  • Overall Liked Scents
    • Bite Me Heart Tart
    • Booberry Frog Tart

  • Overall Disliked Scents
    • Lemon Vanilla Flower Tart

  • If it ends up in a destash, why?
    • Lemon Vanilla Flower Tart
-  Not huge fan of perfume scents.

  • How the wax could be improved?/Was it missing something?
    • The vendor and I discussed several ideas to prevent melting during transport. So far..we have ideas…but none seem to be bullet proof. Ice packs don’t stay cold throughout the entire that idea was thrown out pretty quick. Feel free to comment any ideas.

  • Was it worth the money?
    • Yes

  • Would I purchase from this vendor again?
    • I believe vendors only improve as they gain knowledge. This vendor is new and is really awesome. Her wax will most likely only improve. I can’t wait to see this vendor grow! OF COURSE I WOULD!

1 comment:

  1. Great review just received my first order last week.
