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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Unacceptable Blog Comments

Someone left a really nasty comment about a vendor on my blog about a vendor. It was a personal attack on the vendor.  I will not stand for immature and childish behavior. There is drama in the wax world, and I don't want to have any part in it. I am really glad I moderate the comments. I am happy to say that most people comment appropriately.

Let me make this crystal clear. I do appreciate honesty, but I also believe in being tactful when sharing your opinion. Also...if you don't have the balls to put your name by your nasty comments...keep them to yourself. If you can't own up to your childish negative opinions, why should I publish it?!

Here is an example of blog comments that are made tactfully and what is not...
Not Acceptable (This is the actual comment I received): (Insert vendor's owner name) is a piece of shit.
Acceptable: I have had some less than pleasant experiences with this vendor. (Then explain your side of the story).

Not Acceptable: That vendor's wax smells like dog shit.
Acceptable: I really didn't like these particular scents when I tried them. (Then explain what about these particular scents you did not like and how the vendor could improve that scent if it is possible for the vendor to do so).

This blog was created to provide honest reviews, not to trash talk vendors.
I want both customers and vendors to benefit from these reviews. I try to make the reviews as detailed as possible about my experience with vendors and allow the reader to draw their own conclusion.

If some part of my experience was not up to the vendor's own standards, they use the blog reviews as constructive criticism to make improvements. This brings me to my next point. Vendors: If you would like more information on how to improve specific aspects, please feel free to contact me. If my experience was not what you wanted it to be as a vendor, and the blog didn't provide enough detail to allow you to me!

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