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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

In response to an angry email!

I knew that this blog post would come one day. Today is the day.

 I received a very angry email saying "Your blog is getting a bad reputation because all you do is post negative stuff about almost every vendor. You're a joke."

Let me address this email in list form.

1. Clearly this person did not read the actual review pages. 90% of my reviews are positive. I say this with faith, because I was in the wax world prior to starting a blog. So the majority of the reviews I have completed are on vendors I had already had the pleasure of trying and decided to purchase again!! - This email was most likely in relationship to my sampler review.

 2. Not one review I have ever written is completely negative. I include both the positive and the negative of every vendor. Every vendor I have reviewed seems to have something good about them.

3. I want the vendors who read these reviews to be able to use them to improve. I believe there is ALWAYS room for improvement, even if I haven't found it. No one in this world is perfect. If you have actually used my feedback to improve, let me know!!! I will purchase your wax again and do a rereview(YES I SAID PURCHASE, I don't want a freaking handout!!! I will never ask for free wax or to test it out. Plus..I have way to much wax to review to accept any free wax to review lol. Money constraints set a good time schedule as far as reviews go. If I can't afford to at that moment, your wax will be the next to be purchased!!) ! There is no shame in admitting you listened to your customer feedback. If anything..that makes you a more desirable vendor in my eyes.

4.  I wish I knew which vendor you were, because I wouldn't order from someone with an attitude problem. If you haven't noticed, I order from very nice people. Even if I don't like their wax, I have ordered from some wonderful people!!!

5. The best vendors are always improving despite being well liked. I want to use an example. I gave Sweet Treats a good review. I talked with the vendor following the review. She asked me to explain a lot of it. This was feedback for me to clarify what I was writing - thank you for that. Then she told me she had big improvement plans. I was surprised. I assured her I didn't like mango because mango just wasn't a scent for me! I have to admit, my love of this vendor grew exponentially. Despite being well liked already, she still feels that she can improve the quality of her product. The drive and determination to provide the best wax possible, makes me her customer for life. She valued my feedback, as well as the feedback from her other customers.

6. I am not here to hurt your feelings, but I am not here to make friends. I am providing honest feedback of the product(s) I received. I am truly sorry if you took your review personally. You really shouldn't be offended by anything I say, because it isn't an attack on the vendor as a person. I truly want these vendors to be able to provide the best products possible.

7. Everyone has different tastes. One review will not/should not make or break your company.  I have asked for other contributors so that we may get different perspectives on different companies. I have yet to get submissions. I am not withholding reviews. Some people don't want a knock out strong scent like I do. Some people don't like the same scents I do. Just because I do not like a scent, doesn't necessarily reflect a vendor. Some scents don't throw as well as others.

8.  The vendors who appreciate my honesty are the ones who I will continue to buy from. I have gone to vendors prior to review and let them know that I think they can do better! One vendor sent me a RAOK. I told her I wanted her company to be on par with the rest. I told her that if she could use more scent oil, I would recommend it. She apologized, and wanted to send me another RAOK. I told her absolutely not! I wanted her to be the best she could be, and wanted to offer her some friendly advice prior to putting in a purchased order for review!!

9.  Get over yourself! I will continue to be honest. Despite your personal opinion of my blog(everyone is entitled to an opinion), I have received feedback that appreciates my honesty. I am sorry if I come across as blunt (I know I can come across that way). My father was a journalist and this is the way I have been taught to write. I will continue the blog. Unless you have some actual useful constructive criticism, please feel free to keep it to yourself(Because saying I am a joke and negatively review people doesn't help me improve, especially since I don't actually give everyone negative reviews.)
Thank-you for taking the time to read the blog. You may now return to your scheduled programming!

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that it seems there are just a lot of nasty people trying to cause grief and aggravation. I have enjoyed your reviews and applaud you for doing it honestly. Some people just want to try and create drama. Again, thank you for your honest reviews and information that you supply. May you have a wonderful day!
